Mudar, relocate, adaptar, integrate
De tempos a tempos, ciclos fecham-se para que outros se abram, fechamo-nos nuns impedimos os novos,nem sempre de forma fácil, nem sempre de forma indolor, mas se aceitarmos e permitirmos, mais cedo ou mais tarde percebemos as razões que pediram que se fechassem uns para outros se abram e decorram. Não me quero arrastar em ciclos , mas sim vivê-los. Não quero observá-los só, quero participar neles, entendê-los, senti-los, até porque são mesmo ... meus.
Dzien Dobry, ou como quem diz, Bom Dia.
Imagine being starving hungry. Now imagine being offered a choice. A gigantic candy bar? Or a nutritious, delicious meal? There is just one catch. The good food wont be ready for a while - and you will have to travel much further to get it. And remember, it is a choice. One or the other. Now, what are you going to go for? Hmmm, I wonder. Some easy options are hard to resist. Worse, once we get into the habit of taking them, we find ourselves forgetting all about the better solutions. It is not easy to do what is right but it is possible once we fully commit to our brave choice.....
Of fact experiences of the life teaches a lot thing... There is always a first time for everything, even for obtain to resist to a barely irresistible instinct... But it is also a necessary experience for we will surpass certain prejudices. ..if that will go even important for us. Sometimes be naïf also brings many benefits. And it is not easy decipher the signs of closing of a cycle, when to there we lived exclusively for others!
It obliged by the shake . Again.
Viva la figa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bom dia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gostei de o encontrar.....
________________no espasso outro que tb é seu.
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